iStock_000012856381XSmallHaving a child with special needs has taught us to be acutely aware of health and safety priorities and precautions needed to maintain a functioning household. Unfortunately, we also need to be aware of possible larger disasters that may be beyond our control. What we can control, though, is our own preparedness in regards to our child’s and our own safety. It is not enough to take action in time of emergencies. We need to be prepared in advance so that injury and damage can be prevented or minimized.

The Emergency and Disaster Preparedness Guidebook© is free for you to download. If you are able to, please consider donating to Dads 4 Special Kids to help us provide this training and guidebook to those who might not have the resources to do so otherwise.

Click here to download the
D4SK Emergency and Preparedness Guidebook©

Dads 4 Special Kids Emergency and Disaster Preparedness Guidebook© is copyrighted and should not be shared without permission. Also, download the “How to Self Disclose a Functional Need to your Local Fire Department” form and take to your closest fire station.